Being Impatient

If I would've known how this week was going to turn out, I would’ve just gone straight home after school. But that’s the thing, if someone were to know something bad would happen then they’ll do anything in their power to avoid it. Knowing me, I hate staying indoors just watching tv. There are times where it’s relaxing not having to do anything but I can get so impatient because of it. It’s like in order for me to function I have to be doing something or go out to do something productive. 

It all started on Monday from waking up to an email of my first class being canceled to my hour drive from home rushing in traffic to get to my next class on time. That’s another thing I get impatient about is traffic itself. Even listening to the ads on the radio was frustrating. Besides that, my classes went smoothly and met up with a friend after class. We both agreed on going to the mall to buy a gift for a friend of ours since we both didn’t want to go back home and do nothing. On our way there we were already making plans to go hiking this weekend while we were stuck in traffic once again, except this time it was a little different. 

We ended up getting rear ended by another car. Next thing I know we're both going into the emergency room. We were there for what felt like all day. I kept overhearing other people’s conversation of how they’ve been waiting impatiently for over 7 hours. Just our luck, it took us just the same amount of time only that once I was there for 3 hours I was already becoming impatient. As one of the nurses said, Mondays are their “busiest” day which I understood later on. Overall I’ve understood my mothers concept of always being “careful” whenever I leave the house. 


  1. I personally can relate to your post. I very much hate traffic and I am so sorry you got rear ended. I hope you are okay now.

  2. Commutes, amiright?! I'm glad you weren't hurt too badly and hope you find some new coping strategies. I try deep breathing and lots of contemplative positive-affirmations. Sometimes, though, I let out a few purgative curses (if I'm honest, they help) :)


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