Harder Than I Thought

    At a young age I always wanted to have a pet just like any other kid. I would constantly beg my mom to get a puppy but I would always get the same answer, "I'm allergic." Even though we both know that wasn't the case but at the time I let it go. Until one year when my mom and brother came home with a cage that was covered. My first thought of what was inside the cage was a puppy, but I was wrong. I was so disappointed to see that they had brought home birds. I didn't really consider birds as being "pets." I was little at the time and didn't think birds were meant to be locked up in a cage, so I set them free and was told I would never be able to have another pet again. 
    Years later my brother and I agreed into getting a dog and named her Luna. Honestly, my brother did all the hard work into training her now that I think about it. The only thing I really did was play with her and feed her so technically it was easy. Although I do miss her being so tiny. But the idea of having another pet never came to mind, I was more than okay with just having Luna.

    Then this year, I surprised everyone by adopting a dog except this time my brother got to name her Ginny. She caught my eye because she seemed so energetic and reminded me of Luna. I didn't really think that training a puppy would be so hard even though she doesn't really look like one. It was hard at first for both Luna and Ginny to get along, but soon they started getting along pretty well to the point that they've become protective over each other. What I found to be harder to do was the potty training, nights were the worst. I would have to wake up about 2 times in morning to take her out because somehow the inside matts wouldn't be the spot. Then taking them for walks in the park wasn't so bad until Ginny would then try dragging me by running off randomly. She then got into the phase of biting everything in sight even my shoes and most of the remotes at one point. As of now things have been better, I finally got to teach her how to sit without having to tell her which actually took me all day since she would easily get distracted. 
