Hallo-weekend at Indianapolis

    This weekend honestly felt so short. I was finally able to get the weekend off at work, so I took the opportunity to go down to Indianapolis with one of my best friends, Mariana. We were both looking forward to seeing our friends out there. Sadly, I had to work Friday at 5 in the morning but luckily I was able to get off at 1. I went straight home after to get everything packed and ready. After that I picked Mariana up, we stopped to get snacks for the ride there. Traffic was actually light, and we got there faster than I expected. The streets out there actually reminded me so much of Chicago. We stayed at my other friend's house, Yessenia which was close to IUPUI's college. We went to grab pizza then came back and got ready to go to a party at 10 pm. It wasn't until 12 where we decided to go to a different one after. I actually got to see people that I used to go to school with and got to catch up with them for a bit. I'm glad we actually set everything up before we left because as soon as I laid down, I woke up to it being the next morning. 

    On Saturday, we all decided to then head down to Indiana University in Bloomington. I loved how big their campus is, but walking from class to class seemed to be dreadful in my opinion. The main reason as to going to Bloomington was to go the parties down there. Trying to find parking has never been so complicated, it actually took us 15 minutes to walk to the party. There was a street where there were parties back to back literally since they were all in front of each other.  I actually saw even more people I knew there than when I was at IUPUI. We then left around 3 in the morning since most of us were already getting tired. My other friend Bianca has an apartment out there, so we all crashed there afterwards. The next morning, we all went out for breakfast at a pancake house which was really good. Bianca then had the idea to all go get pumpkins and carve then back at her place. This was my second time to ever carve a pumpkin and it definitely came out better than the pumpkin I carved from last year. It felt nice being away from all the stress that's school and work related but soon it was time for Mariana and I to come back home. 


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